You’re “In The Wave”

TUES., NOV. 22, 1994, 6:12 AM

Yes, o son, the article that Herb sent and that you read yesterday is a true representation of what is happening in your culture. It is a wave of the future, and you are in that wave. You could be doing more to make this wave felt in your professional area, AND you are doing what I want you to do. Don’t worry about impace or importance. Just do Our Ruminations and continue the correspondence that comes your way. Don’t be immobilized by all that you could do. Just do your small part, some each day.

The main deficiency in the article, of course, is the affirmation that I am directing this diverse spiritual movement. I, the Holy Spirit of the One True God, am encouraging many manifestations and interpretations of spirit. Yours is an acceptable culture, with some good capacities to make life worthwhile and enjoyable for many of your citizens. But I am tired of your culture’s dominant insistence that spirit is irrelevant, unprovable, even dangerous.

So I am encouraging a wave of change from many directions. If it were a definable, homogenous wave it could be combatted and, even, put down. My favorite way, the Christian way to spiritual maturity, is doing well, but it has been clearly identified and opposed. In its exclusive forms it opposes the secular society, but also many other expressions of spirit, including some diverse ways of recognizing and acknowledging Me, as the Christ, the Redeemer.

By no means do I abandon these more traditional and fundamental ways of seeking and proclaiming Me. I continue to encourage the Pope, as well as some in Catholic orders not at all pleased with his Christian proclamations. I encourage My servant Billy as he continues to preach certain familiar texts to large crowds of seekers, in this country and in several others. I encourage television ministries, even as some shade more and more into idolatry. I am with those in large Baptist churches, as well as those in small Lutheran congregations. I am active in you medium-sized Presbyterian portion of My Body.

Yet, you see, I am uncomfortable with the exclusion this Way of Mine encourages, even as this comes from certain of My Holy Scriptures. I Am, and I represent, the Lord of all life, and My fundamental, and almost only, concern is with spiritual growth and the acceptance of spirit as the essence of life. I want spirit to be the essence of life on the working river boats, and so I encourage an unlikely servant, B.J., to urge the importance of this. I want the university to exude spirit, in good combinations with other kinds of knowledge, so I encourage you, a number of your colleagues, and many others in diverse fields to integrate this force… in what and in how they are, with students and with colleagues.

I continue to favor My chosen people, and you Christians are certainly one of these. I also encourage others who seek and display spirit in incredibly diverse ways. I want this earth and its peoples to be essentially spiritual, for that is how I created this whole “place”. So there is a “wave”, but it is not a “normal” one. It is coming from all directions. Some of it is discernible and will be opposed. But there are smaller, less discernible portions of the wave, some new, some ancient. Some in the still dominant culture will “hold out”, but this diverse wave of Mine shall soon permeate.

Remember what I’ve told you about spirit as a dimension of personal health. It does not seek to dominate (even as I do love some super dedicated servants like Pastor Thornton). Rather it seeks to unify and balance, the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social dimensions, with much love and respect for this earth’s environment. Likewise in this culture spirit needn’t be dominant, but just lovingly accepted as that which makes for best total functioning. Spirit unifies, balances, coordinates… and all of life benefits.

You’re in this wave, and you have several roles that are somewhat important. But, crucially, you must just be who you are, a servant of Mine, enjoying life and its opportunities.

7:19 AM