You’re Moving… Toward…

SUN., APR. 19, 1998, 6:06 AM

Yesterday was a day in which you originally planned to go into town, a day like many other days have been, in your life. Instead you stayed here, and, non-purposely, you never did put your watch on your wrist. (Your hand’s dysfunction, with the adaptation of using the wrist in lifting… and the brace you wear at night… are mainly responsible for this “move” toward timelessness.) You still looked for the time, for, mostly, no good reasons, but it was a start, at least.

You planted, you mowed, and you almost have all of Our Ruminations mailed or ready to mail. Some fair accomplishment. You took time to watch the sun set. As you were planting you thought of the spiritual dimension to that task… and almost felt it. That, too, was a start, at least. You did “succumb” to the newscast… and then another, addiction-like… Hear again My challenge to give less time and attention to news of the day. For I want you to be moving not so much toward “one day at a time” as toward living in the spirit, outside of time and temporal events. (Yes, o son, as you saw, not quite clearly because of the leafing of the trees, the setting of the sun yesterday, you just have seen its rising, giving the impression that it is moving, not you on the earth. That’s an apt symbol for the “place” toward which you are moving.)

In another life, in another culture, you could have been a true monk, one whose life is simple and totally dedicated to Me. (Is this now some sort of preparation for yet another such life? I won’t say, now. We’ll consider that when you’ve lived this one out.) Now you have the privilege of living most of your life very actively, and then coming, in these emeritus years, to at least a semi-monk experience. It will not be easy to make the transition, but you’re making fair progress. (Yes, these two bits of fortune cookie wisdom should be here on your desk. Consider them admonitions from Me.)

You wish you didn’t have this hand disability… and you truly hope it will progress no further. You’re adapting quite well, for one who has enjoyed the “luxury” of two functional hands for over 71 years. I want you to move toward fuller appreciation for those, in this earth realm, who must live much more of life with disabilities greater by far than yours. I expect a few “oh shit’s” as you struggle with tasks that were once quick and easy to accomplish.

One major challenge for you is to live fully with what you have, now, rather than longing for conditions of the past. Its corollary, of course, is the challenge to focus on the positive, rather than the negative. Your coming Hospice gig will be a fine test of that. Continue after church.

( 6:52 AM / 10:38 PM )

A church day with a visiting preacher, and I need to comment on his message and mission. The essential message was one of giving to Christ, not to specific programs of the church. You try to do this, but often it seems as though the church isn’t giving beyond its own apparent needs, as it should. This is, and will be, a hard struggle for you. There shall be calls for you to give for the future of this church, and you don’t feel such a “calling”, for a future beyond your and Lenore’s active participation. You’re moving toward a view of life that is more spiritual and mystical than practical and “realistic”. You shall have to clarify this for yourself before you have to face the “solicitors”.

SUN., APR. 19, 1998, 6:06 AM

Yesterday was a day in which you originally planned to go into town, a day like many other days have been, in your life. Instead you stayed here, and, non-purposely, you never did put your watch on your wrist. (Your hand’s dysfunction, with the adaptation of using the wrist in lifting… and the brace you wear at night… are mainly responsible for this “move” toward timelessness.) You still looked for the time, for, mostly, no good reasons, but it was a start, at least.

You planted, you mowed, and . . .

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