You’re Not There

SUN., JUNE 9, 1996, 6:12 AM

By earlier plans you would have been preparing, now, to fly East to participate in a conference. It would be somewhat similar to the North Conway Institutes of old, when you were much younger, and alcohol education was your special area. Those are good memories, and initially the invitation sounded enticing… you were partly responsible for the concept of responsible decisions, and, many years later, you should be at a meeting that continues to focus on this approach to “alcohol problems”.

But you’re not preparing to leave. You will not join with David and the other folks, who do not know you. Old age continues to creep up on you, and the two weeks between concentrated courses is not enough for the inclusion of this activity. It should be enough for you to prepare for your next course, on alcohol and other drugs, and to complete this season’s Ruminations. At this point in your life you’ll struggle to accomplish these goals.

Yet it would have been worthwhile to enjoy another brief “inoculation” into the old alcohol “syndrome”. Though it is not your present focal interest it was, for many years, and it was a means for you to advance in your health field and to achieve this valued full professorship that has been such a wonderful aspect of your working life.

I, the Holy Spirit, assert that I guided you in that direction, as the means I mentioned, but also because I do have an interest in that facet of life. Let’s call it modification of mood and behavior, a term you helped create and one you still use lavishly… and should. All humans experience times when they want or need to change how they are feeling or acting. There are many ways to bring about such desired change. Drinking something alcoholic is one of these.

Drinking of liquids is a basic human necessity. Your body is in constant need of liquid, although much of it is just a means to eliminate waste products. Alcohol is a small part of the beer you consume and of most other drinks that you concoct. Alcohol does modify the way you feel and act, and, mostly, these changes are within the realm of responsibility. You are generally aware of impairments, and you try to avoid harmful effects. You appreciate it when one frequent effect is increased awareness of how good the life you lead is and how beautiful the earth is, where you are. This awareness is one I encourage, for you are a fortunate human in having so many beautiful “sites” in which to work and to be.

Typically, you are a responsible person, as are most of your fellow humans. While spirit is definitely a factor in responsibility it also can be oppressive of spirit… responsibility, that is. You have, on your now rather clean desk (a responsible task accomplished) a long list of Things to Do… a symbol of responsibility. Each is important, and many contain more than a modicum of spirit. Yet if you attacked these, one after the other, without respite, your spirit would be tromped upon.

Alcohol isn’t necessary, but many of My “gifts” in earth life are not really necessary. You can relax without drinking. You can relax without snacks, without music, without television, without warmth of sun or fire… Relaxation can be spartan, but I see no great advantage in such. If drinking, or any other relaxing behavior, kept you from coming to Me for Teachings I would object. More often you don’t come because of other “responsibilities”. Hence even responsible behaviors can be excessive and, even, “irresponsible”, by My narrow criterion.

SUN., JUNE 9, 1996, 6:12 AM

By earlier plans you would have been preparing, now, to fly East to participate in a conference. It would be somewhat similar to the North Conway Institutes of old, when you were much younger, and alcohol education was your special area. Those are good memories, and initially the invitation sounded enticing… you were partly responsible for the concept of responsible decisions, and, many years later, you should be at a meeting that continues to focus on this approach to “alcohol problems”.

But you’re not preparing to leave. You will not . . .

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