“You’re Out!”

TUES., AUG. 18, 1987, 6:20 AM

The other word that you heard and saw as a theme for today was exclusion, but “you’re out!” is more dramatic. What an interesting aspect of My relationship with the world, its human population, and, particularly, the born again Christians. The Bible seems to say, rather clearly, that the Christian way is the only way. Otherwise, “you’re out!”

Yet I don’t say this to you. What do I say? Well, this morning I’ll use the term as it is used in baseball. You try to get on base… or once on base you try to reach home. If you are unsuccessful, the call is, “You’re out!” But as long as the game goes on you will come up to bat again, with a new chance to score, or to help someone else score. Whether you weakly struck out or were thrown out in a close play at home plate you can come up again with a new chance to succeed.

One of the persistent stories in the Bible is that of the Jews failing in some way to be the people of the covenant I made with them. They have failed miserably, have been punished for their actions and motives, and then have turned again to Me. They failed to acknowledge Me, as Jesus, as the promised Messiah. I was a threat, and so I was put to death. I heard the decision, “You’re out!”, and I died. But I was back again, in another form. AND, the Jews, who were “out” because of this colossal misjudgment, are still in communion with Me. I had Paul say it for the Scriptures – I made a covenant with them, and though they have been unfaithful, I shall not be. I hear their prayers and acknowledge their traditional practices.

Now I know, full well, the psychology that says that if you want high performance you set high standards, eliminate those who don’t measure up (for whatever reasons), and retain and treasure only those who do meet the standards. It is Scriptural that I function this way. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the (Light) Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me.” “Many are called, but few are chosen” “Enter by the narrow gate…” And there are beautiful souls who accept these strictures, who believe in this Way and this Way alone, and who seek diligently and lovingly to bring others to this narrow path. I love their devotion and their dedication to My narrow way.

And then I look beyond them and see other beautiful souls, some more spiritually advanced, and I love them, too. I just do. I find Myself reaching out and being with persons and groups on a variety of spiritual paths. Yes, I set high, clear standards, and then I ignore them in My love for My diverse creations.

As the true Holy Spirit of the Holy Scriptures I could reject you for listening to and accepting what I am telling you here. You could try to regain contact, but I could stay way until you came to this narrow path. Then, realizing that I am no longer with you, you sadly depart from Me, and live out your life in some partly commendable way. This doesn’t sound very desirable to Me!

Back to baseball. If you strike out, you’re out. If you hit weakly or straight toward a defensive player you shall be called out. If your average isn’t reasonable, you sit on the bench. There are standards. But the game goes on, and there are more chances. The season goes on. There is “another season.” The analogy fails when the actual ballplayer must decline in capacity to play, and finally must retire. In My “game” you keep playing until you retire to the “Hall of Fame.” (The analogy is close, at least)

TUES., AUG. 18, 1987, 6:20 AM

The other word that you heard and saw as a theme for today was exclusion, but “you’re out!” is more dramatic. What an interesting aspect of My relationship with the world, its human population, and, particularly, the born again Christians. The Bible seems to say, rather clearly, that the Christian way is the only way. Otherwise, “you’re out!”

Yet I don’t say this to you. What do I say? Well, this morning I’ll use the term as it is used in baseball. You try to get on . . .

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