Youth And The Future

OCT. 24, 1981, 12:50 AM

You are in an uncomfortable place, son, but you have plenty of time, and you know I must have some observations on your full day with a fine sample of the youth of America. You played an interesting part in their day, and it certainly can be called a day of much worth. I appreciated your song contributions, and, yes, you should maintain this as a motivation to learn some new songs… even to compose those two We have pending. You’ll never truly have time for that, so you might as well take some, now and again, to accomplish in this realm.

There was wondrous spirit in many of these young people, individually, and, certainly, in the group itself. There was no great apparent agenda, other than learning some things and relating to one another, an activity rich in spirit-building potential. Yet, importantly, they were doing in ways that can build spirit and sense of self, and this can lead to more concern for others, to motivations for service.

You were less troubled, in this opportunity, by the knowledge that what you do is appreciated only by some… not by all. That is growth, and I am pleased with this, o son. Still, continue to seek the best balance between this knowledge… and the willingness to do what you do well and leave the consequences to Me… and the motivation to be of service according to people’s needs… which may mean change and modification of self. Though at your age the balance shifts more to being who you are, never expect this to be a final, stable balance.

You could envision some of the future as you watched and interacted with some of these kids. There is ability, creativity, and energy, plus an evident willingness to help and feel for others that points to developing spirit. This bodes well for the future, to the extent that these individual characteristics will be able to influence. However, the article you read on Thursday provides another important perspective: there will not be the jobs and positions some expect as they reach maturity, and there will be some painful adaptations to this fact. You and others like you in positions of importance shall be providing important contributions to individuals, groups, and your communities, but you also shall be preventing or at least postponing the contributions of some of the able young.

The best balance for the future will be one from some years back: youth waiting for opportunities, but growing and developing as spirit-directed persons as they do whatever they must do as they wait. The more aware you are of this reality the more able you will be in helping youth prepare for and profit from this period in their lives.

You shall need to emphasize more that the courses you offer in health education shall have personal development as a goal, along with knowledge attainment and development as a potential educator. Those coming from your environment class, for example, should have a better sense of self in relation to the environment, as well as capacity to teach this to others. Know that your Farm classes are ideal means for this sort of development.

OCT. 24, 1981, 12:50 AM

You are in an uncomfortable place, son, but you have plenty of time, and you know I must have some observations on your full day with a fine sample of the youth of America. You played an interesting part in their day, and it certainly can be called a day of much worth. I appreciated your song contributions, and, yes, you should maintain this as a motivation to learn some new songs… even to compose those two We have pending. You’ll never truly have time for that, so you might as . . .

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