You’ve Taken A Step…

THURS., JUNE 15, 1995, 5:52 AM

Yesterday you took a step that’s symbolically like unto that of saying yes to John Fox, lo these many years ago. You said you would accept his offer to be a teacher and coach… and dormitory counselor… at Punahou School. You had not yet signed a contract, nor had you faced your first class of 7th graders. But you had taken the first step into a long and good career as a teacher – one who directs learning. And now you have taken the first step to close that career by telling Regina that you plan to retire in two years.

There now is a rather definite time frame in which you can “close out” your active career. This can push you to finish certain tasks, such as the Dubos paper, which you could use in two classes. It can also suggest that you wait until retirement to start or finish some others. It means you can start thinking about what to do with the “stuff” in your Pulliam office… at least stop its accumulation. What shall you keep, and where shall you keep it, here on the Farm? It seems to be time to start that process.

You have these two years to consider how you shall commence your retirement, at least. Will you be through with teaching completely? Will you seek any adjunct status, as Lenore suggested, to teach an occasional course in the Department from which you’ve retired, as full time? Or will you be through with the university teaching role completely? You have no thoughts about teaching elsewhere, but, then, you have had no such offers… and you might consider some desirable assignment in some interesting place for a limited time.

Teaching could continue in an Adult Forum in the church… or it could be time to leave that direction to others, while you assume the role of the well-prepared learner, that which you would like those in your classes or forums over the years to be. Your leadership roles have not been extensive, in the church, and they should not increase. Attrition seems more desirable.

Will you go to conventions? Probably, for awhile, at least. You could even continue this letter project which seems to be appreciated… rather easily done, and then with more time to do it, without the competition of a full teaching load. Then you can decide when to cut the ties to these organizations and with former colleagues. You know it happens. You’ve seen this “withdrawal process” over the years, so you’ve started the process for yourself.

To what will you retire? That can depend on many factors, your health of body, mind, and spirit being a major one. Your two present goals are laudable, however, and certainly are worthy, from My perspective. You shall, first, give more time and attention to these Teachings of Ours. You might institute an “extra” Ruminations in any year, but an increase from the quarterly format wouldn’t seem necessary. Mainly you could have Teachings more often, and be more knowledgeable about those you have. You were surprised, weren’t you, at the number of those that dealt with life and death, since the two Ruminations nearly 10 years ago? All of these Teachings are about your life here with Me, and about life everlasting, also with Me. It is the best record of where you are and where We’ve been.

THURS., JUNE 15, 1995, 5:52 AM

Yesterday you took a step that's symbolically like unto that of saying yes to John Fox, lo these many years ago. You said you would accept his offer to be a teacher and coach… and dormitory counselor… at Punahou School. You had not yet signed a contract, nor had you faced your first class of 7th graders. But you had taken the first step into a long and good career as a teacher - one who directs learning. And now you have taken the first step to close that career by . . .

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